Deployment and optimisation of a website factory
The client's challenges
Publish information quickly and effectively, a vital issue for INRA and its researchers
In 2006, a first site-based plant was designed to allow researchers to easily publish information, identify skills and promote certain research projects. Through this project, INRA also aims to rationalise its platform for creating and managing sites, to make it sustainable and above all to make it simpler and less costly to maintain and operate.

Since the beginning of our collaboration, we have worked with Kaliop in a relationship of trust that has enabled us to streamline our website publishing platform through long-term support, outsourcing of certain management and support roles and a policy of continuous improvement.
The solution
The goal:
technical redesign and integration of the latest standards
3 site templates were modelled, both from a back-office and front-office point of view – turnkey sites (dedicated to entities, published on the Intranet or Internet), conference sites (events), blogs – in order to provide an optimised working environment for researchers.
The approach:
a single platform to manage all websites
The project was organized in several stages in order to make the platform evolve towards a simpler, more efficient and modern solution: standardization of the versions used and evolution of the content publishing component, merging of the different site models and simplification of the use of the platform and duplication of new sites via the "Gsite" app.
significant time savings and reduced maintenance and production costs
User support performance has simplified the creation, management and adoption of sites. Thus, the 1,000 site managers have efficient and dedicated support for the use of the platform.
The platform revisited by Kaliop marked INRA's evolution towards new digital uses and the rationalisation of its resources: reduction in the number of servers used, reduction in the costs associated with maintaining and operating the platform, optimisation of content publication.
Key figures
+1,110 websites deployed
+15 new websites and 65 support requests/month
5 years of collaboration
Case study
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