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Emerchandising Prediggo

This comprehensive, omni-channel, SaaS-based e-merchandising solution aims at animating all content (products, banners, CMS) of all the pages of the website, as well as all devices (mobile, tablet store terminal, email). The challenge is to help the e-trader sell better, by offering products in the right place, for the right price, to the right person and at the right time.


Key Feature


The indispensable search engine translated by autocomplete, facette management, sorting, and results organisation, also the management of menues related to page lists, as well as event stores.


Key Feature

Recommendation & Customization

Content management on all pages (homepage, catalogue scroll, product description, gondola, cross-selling, upselling…), customised according to customer purchases and browsing history.


Key Feature


Increase your customers’ loyalty with intelligent content that comply with the latter’s expectations.

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